Assessment Tool Complete this quick and easy self-assessment and we will send you a report with your results. Self Assessment Tool Step 1 of 5 20% Name* First Last CompanyEmail* Phone* Businesses that succeed today are informed businesses. They have access to the right data and analyse it effectively. With good business intelligence, your business can be efficient, agile, streamlined and most importantly, be guided by informed decisions. Let’s see if your business is an informed business.How INFORMED is your business?*Not applicableNot usuallySometimesAlwaysOur information is readily accessible and available.Our current policies, procedures, work instructions are available to all employees immediately, when they are approved.We know how many incident investigations are currently outstanding.We can easily access all qualifications, training, competencies and licence information on our employees.Our information is all in the one place.Our managers can access all the information they need.We are always able to access information to make informed decisions, without the need to interrogate a lot of data. A business that is in-touch can access current and accurate information, for improved insights, decision-making and performance. Let’s see how in-touch your business is.How IN TOUCH is your business?Not applicableNot usuallySometimesAlwaysWe can access current business information, no matter where we are, whether in the office, or remotely.We never lose critical business information. We can always access the records we needWe are aware of all the critical non-compliance issues in our business today.We can quickly inquire on historical information to see what we did last time.Our managers know that our employees have the correct & current licences for work, at any given moment.We know what training has to be delivered in the next 6 months.We know what activities are outstanding and need to be actioned today.We can see all our KPIs, anywhere, at any time, so we always know how our business is performing. Are you in control of your business? Are you running your business, or is it running you? Maintaining control of your business enables you to lead, rather than react, and steer your business to not merely survive, but thrive.Are you IN CONTROL of your business?Not applicableNot usuallySometimesAlwaysWe are automatically advised of exceptions as they occur.We can easily satisfy our customers and legislative compliance requirements.We know which non-conformances and corrective actions are still outstanding.We effectively manage our return to work programs.We know that all of our contractors are compliant.We monitor how long it takes us to rectify hazards when they are reported.Our current business systems are cost effective.Our current business systems will remain cost effective when our business expands and grows.Our current business systems actually empower us to grow our business, they are not holding us back.We receive clear, accurate and timely reports.We receive clear and timely reminders of impending requirements and/or obligations. rsuredâ„¢ is a simple “software as a service” (SAAS) solution that automates your business systems to immediately improve efficiency, control and compliance. With rsuredâ„¢, you will be INFORMED, IN TOUCH and IN CONTROL at all times. Get in touch today, to improve efficiency, control and compliance in your business. Please click “Submit’ below. You will receive an assessment report for your review via email.