5 tricks Directors and Managers can utilise to boost business with new technology solutions

Your business can be faster, better, stronger. New technology is letting today’s Directors and Managers grow their business through automated processes, savvy insights and business management tactics.


Here are 5 tricks Directors and Managers can utilise with today’s new technology solutions, to boost business everyday:


 1. Integrate Disparate IT Systems

·         Maximise the value of your existing IT systems, rather than replace them.

·         Add value to your investment already made in “best of breed” applications by interfacing with them and having them work in a complementary, seamless manner.

·         Integrate your business systems to provide a single version of the truth.


2. Actively Manage Workflow

·         Create workflows that reflect your business processes and operations. Allocate responsibilities to manage and monitor the effectiveness of your processes.


3. Automate Notifications

·         Being in complete control has never been easier. By developing specific criteria, you can automatically notify the appropriate people to act immediately.


4. Automate Report Distributions

·         Have the information you require automatically emailed to you, when you want it. Set up distributions so your information is available when you get to work.


5. Make Use of Mobile Apps

·         Develop apps to collect information from the field (either on-line or off-line) and automatically sync your data when your device is next on-line.


Contact rsured™ for expert guidance on implementing affordable new technology solutions to generate tangible and immediate improvements in your business.

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Each year, businesses around Australia experience digital transformation project failure, often wasting millions of dollars. The same businesses agonise over the causes of their digital transformation project failure.  With some engaging expensive consultants to assess and recover failing projects, and others abandoning what originally seemed like well-planned, well-organised projects, destined for success.

Do you want to know why these digital transformation projects go wrong?

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