3 ways to solve your daily actions management stress

Managers today are searching for ways to streamline, automate and manage the complex business actions process they face daily. Many managers do not realise that a comprehensive integrated business system already encompasses the actions management solutions they are searching for.

Here are 3 ways you can solve your daily actions management stress with an integrated business management system:


  1. Automated reporting and reminders

In your daily work as a busy manager, you are constantly exposed to the operational risk of missing a critical action or making a wrong decision. Manual processing significantly increases the risk of failure in handling a single, complex action, with potential losses running into millions of dollars. Forestall the risk and ensure you are always in-touch with automated reporting and reminders detailing the information you require, whenever you want it.


  1. Access real-time data

Real-time data helps managers know what’s going on right now, not a month ago. By bringing your systems and information together in real time you will always be informed with access to the real-time data pertinent to improving decision-making and reporting in your business. Real-time data gives you the right information, almost immediately and in the right context. There’s no need to jump from database to database.


  1. Great dashboards

Your dashboard should answer your most critical business questions at a glance. A great dashboard will minimise data-overload and provide interactive business intelligence by tracking your relevant KPIs and metrics. A great dashboard can rapidly become your number one tool to ensure you are always in control by analysing what’s happening in your company simply and quickly.


Want to find out if your business should update to an integrated business system? Take the first step with our free online self-assessment here to review your current level of efficiency, control and compliance or contact us for a free consultation.

Why do digital transformation projects go wrong?

Each year, businesses around Australia experience digital transformation project failure, often wasting millions of dollars. The same businesses agonise over the causes of their digital transformation project failure.  With some engaging expensive consultants to assess and recover failing projects, and others abandoning what originally seemed like well-planned, well-organised projects, destined for success.

Do you want to know why these digital transformation projects go wrong?

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